In a country such as Brazil, where the burden of the tax load is forever heavier, it becomes paramount that the contributor seek alternatives to economize on taxation. However, only Tax Planning can offer a legal way to eliminate, reduce or postpone tax onus. The Tax Planning techniques can be applied in the most diverse of tax generating operations, as much for individuals as for corporations.
To this end Bruno Bros make a team of professionals, with vast experience in legally economizing on taxes, available to its clients, Its team specialists is prepared to provide services of excellence in Tax Planning involving the domestic and international field.
Basically, Tax Planning consists of two phases:
Phase 1: includes information gathering, the study of variables and the presentation of Tax Planning Report, containing the applicable alternatives, as well as their fiscal and financial effects.
Phase 2: concerns the implementation of the alternatives accepted. Encompasses all orientation, coordination and elaboration of the necessary actions in order to achieve the legal benefits proposed.
How to Create a Permanent Culture of Tax Planning in your Business Through the Tax Planning Committee (TPC)
The objective is to form and maintain, permanently, a group of professionals recommended by the Client, that, in conjunction with Bruno Bros specialists, will have the goal of presenting and evaluating Tax Planning alternatives to reduce, legally, the tax load on company operations. The TPC can function through periodic meetings or consultations via telephone, e-mail or fax. The themes to be the objectives of TPC will be determined according to the Client’s priorities and requirements. |